AppleScript can show or hide ever single column in List View, and there are a lot!.
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AppleScript can Update a specified Catalog.AppleScript has access to additional catalog properties, such as the volume name, media type, file system type, free space, and more.Better and faster cataloging of Phase One IIQ RAW files.Catalog and display Capture FPS values from MXF video files with time lapse or slow motion.Catalog special Sony metadata from MXF video files.Catalog ARRI metadata from MXF video files.Catalog EXIF Capture Date from MXF video files.Catalog contents of IPA archive files (used by the Apple iOS App Store for application bundles).Find Duplicates can compare file names without their file type suffix for better results.Hedge Canister Exporter for NeoFinder Catalogs (for LTO tape libraries).The Places window has a search filter to quickly find and filter place names.Find Editor has a "Resolutions" top level menu, to quickly find videos or photos or a certain size.Target Album to select one Album, and quickly add items to it with keyboard shortcuts.