14:03:41,484 : DEBUG : KNIME-Worker-41 : WorkflowManager : Database Reader : 0:299:1135 : Database Reader 0:299:1135 doAfterExecute - failure 14:03:41,484 : DEBUG : KNIME-Worker-41 : NodeContainer : Database Reader : 0:299:1135 : Database Reader 0:299:1135 has new state: POSTEXECUTE 14:03:41,484 : DEBUG : KNIME-Worker-41 : WorkflowManager : Database Reader : 0:299:1135 : Database Reader 0:299:1135 doBeforePostExecution : Cell at index 18 is null!Īt .def.DefaultRow.(DefaultRow.java:98)Īt .next(DBRowIteratorImpl.java:314)Īt .ExecutionContext.createBufferedDataTable(ExecutionContext.java:245)Īt .createTable(DBReaderImpl.java:242)Īt .createTable(DBReader.java:115)Īt .io.(DBReaderNodeModel.java:150)Īt .io.(DBReaderNodeModel.java:127)Īt .NodeModel.executeModel(NodeModel.java:563)Īt .Node.invokeFullyNodeModelExecute(Node.java:1146)Īt .Node.execute(Node.java:933)Īt .(NativeNodeContainer.java:556)Īt .(LocalNodeExecutionJob.java:95)Īt .(NodeExecutionJob.java:179)Īt .(NodeExecutionJob.java:110)Īt .ThreadUtils$nWithContext(ThreadUtils.java:328)Īt .ThreadUtils$n(ThreadUtils.java:204)Īt $RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)Īt .run(FutureTask.java:266)Īt .ThreadPool$n(ThreadPool.java:123)Īt .ThreadPool$n(ThreadPool.java:246) 14:03:41,484 : DEBUG : KNIME-Worker-41 : Database Reader : Database Reader : 0:299:1135 : Execute failed: Cell at index 18 is null! 14:03:41,484 : ERROR : KNIME-Worker-41 : Database Reader : Database Reader : 0:299:1135 : Execute failed: Cell at index 18 is null! The problematic cell is a null DATETIME though weirdly other rows can sometimes be read even when this field is null. MySQL Driver: mysql-connector-java-5.1.37-bin.jar We are interested in database visualisation, to do that open TABLES in a new tab.This problem still exists in the Database Reader: "Execute Failed: Cell at index xx is null!" database file - select your database file from file system.connection name - choose whatever name you want.We are interested in database visualisation, to better understand tables and relationships between them. It provides SQL tools such as SQL editor with support for auto-completion, parameterized SQLs, SQL formatter, visual query builder, command-line based interface, etc. Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, MySQL, SQLite) on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix platforms. sqlite3ĭbVisualizer is tool, very similar to SQLite browser, but supports many diferrent databases. DbVisualizer is a database management and analysis tool for all major databases (e.g. Opening database file is as easy as finding it on your file system, file extension is. SQLite Browser is a visual tool to help you work with a database. In the Databases tab, double-click on the TABLE entry (that has all the tables under it), then select the References tab. understanding the basic concepts of SQL, tutorials should be enough In the left-hand pane, double-click on the database name while having the References tab open to have all tables displayed.basic coding knowledge is preferred, especially string manipulations in JavaScipt / TypeScript.SQLite was chosen because it is platform agnostic, and stores data in a single file which can be accessed easily. Grinstein, Ulrich Lang (Eds.): Database Issues for Data. This repository consists of exercises to train your skills on SQL. Workshop on Database Issues for Data Visualization 1995: Atlanta, Georgia, USA Andreas Wierse, Georges G.